Please note that all online orders are for local pick up. Our pick up location is at Woods Creek Windup, 411 Lime Kiln Road, Lexington, VA, 24450. We do not ship our plants.
When you place an order, we will contact you via email to schedule a date and time for pick up. Please be sure to respond to this email. If we do not hear back within 2 days, your order will be cancelled and you will be notified. If you are unable to pick up your order within a reasonable time frame, we may choose to cancel the order to ensure inventory remains available for other customers.
If you need us to provide delivery, we may choose to do so on a case-by-case basis, depending on our availability. This is not a guaranteed service that we provide, so please reach out to us prior to placing an order. If we do choose to provide delivery, an additional delivery fee will be applied to the order total. This fee will be determined by your location.
Payment will be accepted at the time of pick up and may be in the form of cash or check. Please make checks payable to "Root 11 Native Plant Nursery."
While our goal is to sell healthy plants that will thrive once planted, we understand that this will not always be the case. However, due to the many variables that determine a plant's success, we do not accept returns.
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase or have any questions about any of the above, please contact us via email ( or through our online contact form and we will try to make things right.